May 2017 typerider cross buy
May 2017 typerider cross buy

may 2017 typerider cross buy

May 2017 typerider cross buy series#

This is the first book in a new series called The Cinder Spires by Jim Butcher. This week I am reading The Aeronaut's Windless by Jim Butcher. Others say discuss it all to find your tribe.Some say don’t lose half your readers by pissing them off.Don’t discuss religion, gender, gun control, capital punishment or abortion.Don’t discuss politics on social media.Do not send an auto reply to twitter follows that says “buy my book”.Do not just post “buy my book” all day every day.Join the writer community, online, in writers groups, in lit conferences, in meetups.Offer free kindle edition weekends now and then.Share your life as you feel comfortable about sharing.An energized fan base is a great word of mouth marketing channel.Tell followers about new releases and special offers when they happen.Do book signing events and advertise them online.Consider podcasting or a Youtube channel.Be present on social media: Facebook, twitter, blogs, and others like Instagram.Have a great cover, blurb, and first chapter that hooks the reader.Your next book is a great marketing tool for your other works. The worst marketing is to constantly scream “buy my book” on every social network available.The best marketing is to write a book that doesn’t suck.Here is a list of things I captured in my notes. While I was at Balticon, one of my favorite panel discussions was about promoting your books without being obnoxious about it!

May 2017 typerider cross buy